I never thought that because of the rejection I wrote earlier in previous page, makes me went to one of the most beautiful country (beside Indonesia of course) I've ever seen. Japan. I fall in love directly with this country, I never thought that I'll love this country alot, that I really want to go back and back again to Japan. 
It feels like a dream come true, I never thought that a silly dream, like going to Japan, really do come true.
In the next page I'll tell you my journey, budget I spend, and the sweet coincidence, that I called miracle unsigned that I had. Really the most unforgetable travelling ever. Thank You God. Japan, aishiteru.

It feels like a dream come true, I never thought that a silly dream, like going to Japan, really do come true.
In the next page I'll tell you my journey, budget I spend, and the sweet coincidence, that I called miracle unsigned that I had. Really the most unforgetable travelling ever. Thank You God. Japan, aishiteru.